
Ian MacLachlan
电  话: (0755)2603-3256
邮  箱:maclachlan@pkusz.edu.cn

Current Research Topics

1. Talent worker housing in Shenzhen

2. Elderly housing challenges in China

3. Urban agriculture and informal land tenure in Shenzhen

4. Urban land redevelopment in China

Refereed Journal Articles

**MacLachlan, Ian, Diwen Tan, Tao Shi, & Yixiao Yang 2024 “Urban orchard in a megacity: formality and informality in China.” Eurasian Geography and Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/15387216.20242351399

**Chu Jun, De Tong, Yu-Hung Hong, Ian MacLachlan & Xiangxiang Pan 2024 “Shareholding Land Readjustment Led by Local Government During Peri-Urbanization: The Case of Zhaoqing, China.” Planning Theory & Practice https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2024.2339210

**Tong, De, Yue Shen, Xiaoguang Wang, Yiyu Sun, Ian MacLachlan, & Xin Li. 2023 "From Proximity to Quality: The Capitalization of Public Facilities into Housing Prices." Annals of the American Association of Geographers. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2023.2227683

** MacLachlan, Ian & Yue Gong 2023 “Community Formation in Talent Worker Housing: The Case of Silicon Valley Talent Apartments, ShenzhenUrban Geography 44(4): 707-728. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2021.2021368

** Tong, De, Jun Chu, Ian MacLachlan, Junli Qiu, Tao Shi 2023 “Modelling the Impacts of Land Finance on Urban Expansion: Evidence from Chinese CitiesApplied Geography https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2023.102896

*Yu, Li, Wei Xu, Ian MacLachlan, & Ivan Townshend 2023 "Determinants of Housing Mobility of Urban Low-Income Residents in China: Life-Cycle, Lived-Experience and Place." Transactions in Planning and Urban Research 2(2–3) 272–295. https://doi.org/10.1177/27541223231182255

** MacLachlan, Ian & Yue Gong 2022 “China’s new age floating population: Talent workers and drifting elders” Cities 131  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103960 

** Zhu, Zaichun, Hui Zeng, Ranga B. Myneni, Chi Chen, Qian Zhao, Junjun Zha, Simin Zhan, & Ian MacLachlan 2021 “Comment on ‘Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis’.” Science 373, no. 6562: 5673
https://doi: 10.1126/science.abg5673

 ** Tong, D., Y. Wu, I. MacLachlan & J. Zhu 2021 “The role of social capital in the collective-led development of urbanising villages in China: The case of Shenzhen” Urban Studies 58 (16), 3335-3353. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098021993353  

** Gong, Yue & Ian MacLachlan 2021 “Housing Allocation with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of Talent Workers in Shenzhen and GuangzhouEurasian Geography and Economics 62(4):428-453. https://doi.org/10.1080/15387216.2020.1819845

** Cai, Ailing, Jun Wang, Ian MacLachlan, and Likai Zhu 2020 “Modeling the trade-offs between urban development and ecological process based on landscape multi-functionality and regional ecological networks” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63(13), 2357-2379. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2020.1723507

** Tong, De, Yu Zhang, Ian MacLachlan, and Guicai Li 2020 “Migrant housing choices from a social capital perspective: The case of Shenzhen, China” Habitat International, 96(2):102082


** Lin Xiongbin, Ian MacLachlan, Ting Ren and Feiyang Sun 2019 "Quantifying economic effects of transportation investment considering spatiotemporal heterogeneity in China: a spatial panel data model perspective" Annals of Regional Science 63(3):437-459 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-019-00937-8

** Li, Li, Atsushi Tsunekawa, Ian MacLachlan, Guicai Li, Atsushi Koike, and Yuanyuan Guo 2019 “Conservation payments, off-farm employment and household welfare for farmers participating in the ‘Grain for Green’ program in China: Empirical evidence from the Loess PlateauChina Agricultural Economic Review 12(1):71-89.

** Cai, Ailing, Jun Wang, Yang Wang, and Ian MacLachlan 2019 “Spatial optimizations of multiple plant species for ecological restoration of the mountainous areas of North China” Environmental Earth Sciences 78(10):1-16.

** Lin Xiongbin, Jiawen Yang, and Ian MacLachlan 2018 “High-speed rail as a solution to metropolitan passenger mobility: The case of Shenzhen-Dongguan-Huizhou metropolitan area” Journal of Transport and Land Use 11(1):1257-1270.

** Benoit Aimee, Thomas Johnston, Ian MacLachlan and Doug Ramsey 2018 “Identifying Ranching Landscape Values in the Calgary, Alberta Region: Implications for Land-Use Planning” The Canadian Geographer 62(2): 212–224.

** Ray, D. Michael, Ian R. MacLachlan, Rodolphe H. Lamarche, and KP Srinath 2017 “Economic shock and regional resilience: Continuity and change in Canada’s regional employment structure, 1987-2012” Environment and Planning A 49(4): 952-973

*   MacLachlan, Ian 2016 “China’s Livestock Transition: Growing Livestock ProductionChina Urban Studies 9:114-121.

** MacLachlan, Ian and Julia Horsley 2015 “New Town in the Bush: Planning Knowledge

          Transfer and the Design of Kwinana, Western Australia” Journal of Planning History 14(2):112-134.

** MacLachlan, Ian 2013 “Kwinana Industrial Area: Agglomeration Economies and Industrial Symbiosis on Western Australia’s Cockburn SoundAustralian Geographer 44(4): 383–400.

** Ray, D. Michael, Rodolphe H. Lamarche, and Ian R. MacLachlan 2013 “Restoring the ‘Regional’ to ‘Regional Policy’: A Regional Typology of Western Canada” Canadian Public Policy 39(3): 411-429.

* MacLachlan, Ian 2007 “A bloody offal nuisance: The persistence of private slaughter-houses in nineteenth century London” Urban History 34(2): 226-253.

* MacLachlan, Ian 2005 "Coup de Grâce: Humane Slaughter in Nineteenth Century Britain" Special slaughterhouse theme issue in Food & History 3(2): 145-171.

* Croil, Spencer and Ian MacLachlan 2005/06 “Your Call Is Important to Us: Call Centres in Lethbridge, Alberta” Western Geography 15/16:1-27.

* MacLachlan, Ian 2004/2005 “‘The greatest and most offensive nuisance that ever disgraced the capital of a kingdom’: The slaughterhouses and shambles of modern Edinburgh” Review of Scottish Culture 17: 57-71.

** Townshend, Ivan, Ian MacLachlan and Dan O’Donoghue 2004 “Integrated Dis-Integration: Employment Structure of First Nations Communities on the Prairies Relative to their Local Regions” Canadian Journal of Native Studies 24(1):91-127.

* MacLachlan, Ian and Ivan Townshend 2003/2004 “Stockyards Districts as Industrial Clusters in Two Western Canadian Cities” Western Geography 13/14: 44-68.

* MacLachlan, Ian and Bruce MacKay 2000 “Lethbridge and the Trans-Canada Airway” Alberta History 48(3): 2-13.

* MacLachlan, Ian. 1998. “Spatial Patterns of Income and Income Inequality in Mexico City” Geografía y Desarrollo 16: 37-53.

** MacLachlan, Ian and Adrian Guillermo Aguilar 1998 “Maquiladora Myths: Locational and Structural Changes in Mexico's Export Manufacturing Industry” Professional Geographer 50(3):315-331.

** MacLachlan, Ian and Sawada, Ryo 1997 “Measures of Income Inequality and Social Polarization in Canadian Metropolitan Areas” Canadian Geographer 41(4):377-397.

*  MacLachlan, Ian 1993 “Regional Diversification Policy in Alberta” Alberta and Northwest Territories Journal of Planning Practice 11:35-55.

** MacLachlan, Ian 1992. “Plant closure and market dynamics: competitive strategy and rationalizationEconomic Geography 68(2):128-145.

* MacLachlan, Ian 1992 “Subcontracting in Hokkaido’s Resource Processing Sectors” Kaihatsu Ronshu: The Journal of Development Policy Studies 49:181-96.

* MacLachlan, Ian 1991 “Economic Development and Industrial Employment: A Thousand Points of Light?” Alberta and Northwest Territories Journal of Planning Practice 10:31-44.

* Peer reviewed             ** Social Science Citation Index          Student

Recent Conference Presentations

MacLachlan, Ian and Gong Yue 2021 “Community Formation in Talent Worker Housing: Talent

Workers and Drifting Elders Constitute a New Age Floating Population in Shenzhen15th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, Nanjing, 11 September.

MacLachlan, Ian, Gong Yue, and Zhang Yu 2019 “High-rise Talent Housing in Shenzhen”   American Association of Geographers, Washington, D.C., 7 April 2019.

Recent Miscellaneous Publications

MacLachlan, Ian 2024 Review of Condoland: The planning, design, and development of Toronto’s CityPlace by James T. White and John Punter, The Canadian Geographer DOI: 10.1111/cag.12847

MacLachlan, Ian 2023 Review of Tuzo: The Unlikely Revolutionary of Plate Tectonics by Nick Eyles, The Canadian Geographer DOI: 10.1111/cag.12847

MacLachlan, Ian and Gong Yue 2023 “Appropriate housing is key to winning competition for China's young talent workersChina Daily 14 February 2023 https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202302/14/WS63eac257a31057c47ebae8a9.html 

MacLachlan, Ian 2022 “Review of Streetcars and the Shifting Geographies of Toronto: A Visual Analysis of Change by Brian Doucet and Michael Doucet, The Canadian Geographer.

MacLachlan, Ian 2021 “Exercise Tocsin B” Canadian Encyclopedia https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/exercise-tocsin-b

MacLachlan, Ian 2020 Review of Changing Neighbourhoods: Social and Spatial Polarization in Canadian Cities edited by Jill L. Grant, Alan Walks, and Howard Ramos, The Canadian Geographer.