

邮  箱:z.liu@pku.edu.cn


1. 国土空间人地关系

2. 乡村交通与乡村规划

3. 智慧乡村与可持续发展


1. 2023.09 - 2026.04,教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,乡村交通网络发展与居民点体系结构演化关联机制及其经济效应研究,在研, 主持

2. 2021.06 - 2023.06,中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目, 基于大数据的全国村镇居民出行与乡村地域系统研究, 结题, 主持

3. 2016.01 - 2019.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,适应老年人身体活动需求的城市建成环境优化:基于跨尺度效应的规划调控, 结题,参与


1.Liu, Z., Zhao, P., Liu, Q., Cui, Y., Yang, Y., Liu, J., Li, B., & Li, J. (2023). Exploring the spatial characteristics of the human mobility network in rural settings of China’s Greater Bay Area. Journal of Transport Geography, 112, 103699.

2.Liu, Z., Zhao, P., Liu, Q., He, Z., & Kang, T. (2023). Uncovering spatial and social gaps in rural mobility via mobile phone big data. Scientific Reports, 13, 6469.

3.Su, Y., Liu, Z., Chang, J., Deng, Q., Zhang, Y., Liu, J., & Long, Y. (2023). Measuring accessibility to healthcare using taxi trajectories data: a case study of acute myocardial infarction cases in Beijing. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 12, 1-7.

4.Liu, Q., Liu, Z., Yu, Z., & Zhao, P. (2023). The living environment and intravillage activity-travel: A conceptual framework based on participant observation in Guangdong, China. Journal of Rural Studies, 99, 121-133.

5.Liu, Q., Liu, Z., Kang, T., Zhu, L., & Zhao, P. (2022). Transport inequities through the lens of environmental racism: rural-urban migrants under Covid-19. Transport Policy.

6.Liu, Z., Liu, Q., Zhao, P., Tang, J., & Gong, Z. (2022). Investigating access to periodic markets in rural China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 103, 103162.

7.Liu, Q., Liu, Z., Lin, S., & Zhao, P. (2022). Perceived accessibility and mental health consequences of COVID-19 containment policies. Journal of Transport & Health, 101354.

8.Liu, Z., Kemperman, A., Timmermans, H., & Yang, D. (2021). Heterogeneity in physical activity participation of older adults: a latent class analysis. Journal of Transport Geography, 92, 102999.

9.Liu, Z., Kemperman, A., & Timmermans, H. (2021). Correlates of frequency of outdoor activities of older adults: Empirical evidence from Dalian, China. Travel Behaviour and Society, 22, 108-116.

10.Liu, Z., Kemperman, A., & Timmermans, H. (2020). Social-ecological correlates of older adults’ outdoor activity patterns. Journal of Transport & Health, 16, 100840.

11.Liu, Z., Kemperman, A., & Timmermans, H. (2020). Correlates of older adults’ walking trip duration. Journal of Transport & Health, 18, 100889.

12.杨东峰, 刘正莹, 殷成志. (2018). 应对全球气候变化的地方规划行动——减缓与适应的权衡抉择, 城市规划, 42(1): 35-42, 59.

13.杨东峰, 刘正莹. (2017). 中国30年来新区发展历程回顾与机制探析, 国际城市规划, 32(2): 26-33, 42.

14.刘正莹, 杨东峰. (2016). 邻里建成环境对老年人户外休闲活动的影响初探——大连典型住区的比较案例分析. 建筑学报, 06: 25-29.

15.刘正莹, 杨东峰. (2016). 为健康而规划: 环境健康的复杂性挑战与规划应对. 城市规划学刊, 02: 104-110.


1. 2021年地理信息科技进步奖一等奖

2. 2018年钱学森城市学金奖优秀奖

3. 2014年金经昌中国城乡规划研究生论文竞赛佳作奖